Different massage chair models

There are many benefits of Massage chairs at home since a good massage typically addresses various issues outside of body pain. Going for the traditional massage methods, like spas or massage parlors, might be time-consuming, making having massage chairs essential for busy individuals. These machines are equipped with components that target crucial areas of your body, giving you a well-rounded massage experience. 

It’s no secret that we all want to sit down and relax after a long day. With massage chairs at home, you can sit down, watch your favorite shows, or even do extra work while getting a massage. However, some might still ask, “Do massage chairs work?” Fortunately, this article will cover the benefits of having these machines at home. If you want to learn more about this topic, read further. 


What is a Massage Chair?

Massage chairs are machines or devices with features that allow you to enjoy a good massage. There are two types of massage chairs: manual or traditional massage chairs and robotic massage chairs. Traditional massage chairs typically have a simple design with a seating surface and face rest. This massage chair requires a masseuse for the user to get a proper massage. 

Robotic or automatic massage chairs, on the other hand, use gears and other moving parts to perform a massage. Additionally, the user is in a much more comfortable seated position when using this type of massage chair. Advanced models even have additional functions like an accessible LED screen, reclining orientation, different massage programs and many more. Whatever your choice might be regarding massage chair types, you’re bound to enjoy your massage experience with these devices. 


5 Amazing Benefits of Massage Chairs at Home

Having a massage chair at home saves you the trouble of searching for the perfect spa or a preferred massage therapist. Additionally, having a massage device readily available at home makes your home feel more comfortable. However, these examples barely scratch the surface of the benefits of these machines. Below are some of the benefits of having these machines at home. 

  • Addresses Lower Back Pain

Our lower backs typically bear the brunt of our weight. This effect is especially true if you work in an office and sit down all day. Additionally, our lower back can be strained some more when we’re on our daily commute to go home. One of the best benefits of massage chairs at home is relaxing while simultaneously receiving a great massage. One of the areas these machines target is the lower back, helping us feel refreshed at the end of a long day. 

  • Reduces Stress

Stress is a common part of our daily lives. However, just because stress cannot be avoided doesn’t mean it can’t be relieved. It is well-known that getting a massage reduces stress by relaxing our muscles. A relaxed body positively affects our mind and effectively reduces stress. Additionally, having these machines at home makes you more relaxed and don’t need to worry about going to and from spas. 

  • Targets Specific Points

Just because these machines are automated doesn’t mean they just randomly target different areas. Automated massage chairs are built to target specific muscles that usually get affected by stress. Additionally, these machines use the same techniques the best masseuses use, making your experience as close to a real massage experience as possible. 

  • Cost Effective Option 

Investing in these types of machines can be overwhelming because of their price. However, this investment can be a more cost-effective option in the long run. Suppose you’re going to a spa twice a week; the accumulated cost of paying for services after a year might be counterintuitive compared to simply spending that money to buy a massage chair for home use. You must assess your expenditures and look at the bigger picture to decide the most cost-effective option. 

  • No More Scheduling Conflicts

One of the best benefits of massage chairs at home is we don’t need to clear our schedule to get massages. It’s no secret that our daily lives sometimes leave no room for free time. Having a massage chair at home rids you with having to clear your schedule just to get a massage. Simply sit down on your device, configure your preferred program, and squeeze in some work while you’re getting a massage. 


The Best Massage Chairs for Home Use

Knowing the benefits of massage chairs at home is one thing, but knowing the specific models you should look for is another. The benefits cover a general overview of these machines, but models dive into particular aspects of each machine. Fortunately, businesses like Endurewellness have a wide assortment of massage chairs and can help you find the perfect model for you. 

Here are the best massage chair models for home use, courtesy of Endurewellness: 

  • Kahuna HM-5020 Massage Chair

A black Kahuna HM-5020 Massage Chair


The Kahuna HM-5020 Massage Chair is the most cost-effective model in Endurewellness's collection. However, being cost-effective doesn’t mean being light on features. This model features the zero-gravity position, giving you the feeling of being suspended while getting a massage. It also features six auto programs and massage techniques and has a heat therapy function. If you’re looking for a cost-effective model that can compete with heavy-duty massage chairs, the Kahuna HM-5020 has you covered. 

  • Kahuna LM-7000 4 roller 2D Massage Chair

A black Kahuna LM-7000 4 roller 2D Massage Chair


The Kahuna LM-7000 4 Roller 2D Massage Chair is in the middle of the pack regarding the price point. The increase in cost also reflects in the increase in functions since you can enjoy 12 programs from this model–six more programs compared to the HM-5020 model. These programs range from relaxing massages, yoga stretches, and fatigue recovery to even more specific ones, like the auto-upper and lower programs. If you want a more advanced model with a reasonable price, the Kahuna LM-7000 is your best bet. 

  • Kahuna EM-Arete Massage Chair

A sleek brown and white Kahuna EM-Arete Massage Chair


The Kahuna EM-Arete Massage Chair is a high-end model with equally high-end features. The 40 pre-programmed routines significantly jump from the previous model’s 12. These programs allow you to fully customize your massage chair experience and hone in on specific problem areas. Additionally, with three zero gravity positions, a heater, and an auto leg extension function, you get a high-end massage chair experience that justifies its price point. 

  • Kahuna KAPPA Zero Gravity Electric Massage Chair

Black and gold Kahuna KAPPA Zero Gravity Electric Massage Chair


The Kahuna KAPPA Zero Gravity Electric Massage Chair features a 4D massage system. This system automatically detects areas that need more massage and adjusts the roller’s speed to address these areas. Features like zero gravity positions and heaters are also present in this model, and you can choose from 15 automatic programs to go along with these features. For those asking, “is a massage chair good for you?” The Kahuna KAPPA massage chair answers that question with a resounding “yes.” 


Let Endurewellness Give You the Chance to Enjoy the Benefits of Massage Chairs at Home

Massage chairs aren’t luxury items; they’re machines that allow us to relax so we are free from stress and full of energy. Stress is like quicksand; the more we push ourselves to provide for our families, the more we get sucked in. Having a massage chair at home allows us to leave our stress behind so we can give it everything we have when it's time to work. 

Trust Endurewellness to show you models that exemplify the benefits of massage chairs at home. We make it a point to feature models that go above and beyond what’s expected of them. This excellence is demonstrated by the models featured earlier. Whether you’ve got your eyes on the most cost-effective model or the one with the most features, Endurewellness ensures that your decision is never the wrong one. If you want to learn more about these products or our other medical equipment, please contact us today

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